Specialist provider of voice-video communication solutions, electronic meeting managements, rental and boardroom office automations operating in Harare, Zimbabwe
Board Management Software
Empower your board with a smart, simple, and secure board management software trusted by leading organisations across the globe.
Run Your Meetings in One Intuitive Platform
Convene gives you complete control over the entire meeting process – from pre-meeting preparation to post-meeting document distribution.
With Convene, boards can make informed decisions anytime, anywhere, as well as promote transparency and accountability through monitoring & tracking of actions and secure document storage.
Simple Meeting Management
Convene reduces the time, effort and paper spent in preparing for meetings and allows organizational leaders to collaborate easily during discussions and review meeting packs, action points, and minutes instantly.
Prepare for Meetings Effortlessly
Secretaries can prepare for meetings with Convene’s drag-and-drop feature and invite participants.
Distribute Meeting Files Instantly
Documents that used to take hours to prepare, print, post, and shred can be sent to board directors in seconds with just a few clicks.
Supervise and Control Access to Documents
Administrators can easily track activities in their environment and set access levels to confidential files through Audit Trail and permissions-based settings.
Protect Confidential Data With Enterprise-Grade Security
Convene protects data with remote wipe for lost or stolen devices, password policies, biometric authentication, and document encryption.
Store Files and Generate Reports
Secretaries can maintain an easy-to-search history of the content and outcome of all the meetings with features such as Document Library and auto-summary.
Can't find what you want
Dream on then. Drop us a request for any product of your choice.